Bus and train fare down - What a joke!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Bus and train fares will be reduced from April, by 2 cents. I've been reading posts on the ST Forums and the newspaper, and most readers are disgruntled that the fare would be reduced by a mere 2 cents.
This is sadly disconcerting, because when the operators raise the prices, they raise it from 55 cents to 67 cents, a dramatic 22% price hike. However, when "reducing" prices, the 3% decrease is barely noticeable, sheesh, I even laughed at the article. People nearby looked at me like I was going bonkers. Don't blame me for the "I don't care about life" attitude, this reduction of fare is such a joke that I'm fairly sure their precedessors are rolling around in their graves. 2 cents could buy a bowl of laksa in olden Singapura.
What can I say about higher standrards of living? Living is almost a burdensome chore, but since I'm still young and probably as immature as the person who is reading this now, I'd better keep my mouth shut until I've experienced the taste of working and earning my own money. It's already hell trying to stay alive in this world, I wonder how I would fare in the adult world.