Right. So long never update. Fila told me few days ago she came to check, and I didn't update lol. Thats right mook, come my blog means you ki siao need counsel.
This book is really great: The Definitive Book of Body Language.
seriously. I lent it to Leticia and Fila and its a really good book, teaches you how to lie *ahem ahem* and read what people TRUE feelings are (unless they read the book lah ==; )
Ok, nothing to say. But next few days I'll think of something to post. I won't go people blogs and say ''I UPDATE LIAO COME SEE SEE" xD If you got come my blog and see me update then ok lor. If not, wait next year you come my blog then say ''Eh, shiqin got update siol!!! wah seh! ''
P.S: I'm totally crazy for chinese lessons. I mean. every week, theres this chinese newspaper. And its so cute. I mean, you can actually draw on it!!!! I drew the Ming Yi (the scam monk if you morons didnt read) and my latest addition, Fun Wei Bo(actually is Fan, but im so funny, i change to Fun ok). He's so handsome - AFTER THE MAKEUP. Before that, he looks totally ew ):
- The pic is with Kaijun, i'll make her update it. go see her blog and pester her until she update: www.mydiary-kj.blogspot.com
So, guys, dont say you hate chinese lessons! Love it, at least once a week when the papers come! <33
writtern @7:14 PM
Bus and train fares will be reduced from April, by 2 cents. I've been reading posts on the ST Forums and the newspaper, and most readers are disgruntled that the fare would be reduced by a mere 2 cents. This is sadly disconcerting, because when the operators raise the prices, they raise it from 55 cents to 67 cents, a dramatic 22% price hike. However, when "reducing" prices, the 3% decrease is barely noticeable, sheesh, I even laughed at the article. People nearby looked at me like I was going bonkers. Don't blame me for the "I don't care about life" attitude, this reduction of fare is such a joke that I'm fairly sure their precedessors are rolling around in their graves. 2 cents could buy a bowl of laksa in olden Singapura. What can I say about higher standrards of living? Living is almost a burdensome chore, but since I'm still young and probably as immature as the person who is reading this now, I'd better keep my mouth shut until I've experienced the taste of working and earning my own money. It's already hell trying to stay alive in this world, I wonder how I would fare in the adult world.
writtern @9:16 PM
Dear guys and girls,
Friendster is not a place for you to post nude pictures! In just 2 days I see 2 topics on 2 girls posting their nakey nakey pictures on Friendster! What is this? No one wants to see how much hair you have down in your South Pole, neither do we want to see your melons :<
P.S: If you don't know what I am talking about, go to stomp.com.sg
By commiting this indecent act, you are degrading yourself and making yourself a stupid, idiotic, ridiculous laughing stock of Singapore. Why do girls do this? Is it because they owe people money, or is it they are threatened? I think they should come my blog for counselling ^_^. Lols kidding.
Please, don't post naked pictures of yourself on the internet, you are not only throwing your face away, you are making your friends think you are "cheap". No one wants a friend who is cheap. And your body is supposed to be your own, personal belonging, not sukah sukah give people take pictures then post online. You'll regret doing it, and no amount of counselling, or time, will heal the emotional scars you made by doing this silly, outrageous, dumb act.
If you did post nakey nakey pictures of yourself on the internet, congratulations. You will regret it soon and your IQ will most likely be lower than a stinkworm. Not only that, this is like making a huge advertisement, putting it up on Orchard Road and on that advertisement, "Hot girl for sale! Hot girl for sale! Cheap and easy, come call me now" See how stupid that sounds?
If any person have any problems and the person whom you offended wants to take naked pictures or indecent pictures of you, say no menz! Don't succumb to their desires because this will only let them play with you more, and the more you let them, the more they will want. Like this idiom which I made up : The more you give, the more they take. I think it sounds nice and it rhymes, but morei mportanly, I hope it does it job in reminding you guys!
It's sort of like this: You accidentally let out a huge, deep, dark secret of yourself which no one must ever, ever know. For example (: Or maybe you have a boyfriend already that you looooveeee so much, but then you slept with another guy. Or they happen to take nakey nakey pictures of you. What happens? They blackmail you, of course.
First, they say $10,000. After you think about it and stupidly decide to pay up, they demand $20,000. After you think about it again, begged around for the money, then decide to pay up because you don't want that "secret" to be let out. After they get the $20,000 dollars, maybe they decide that they want to post your "secret" on the internet, or they want more money.
Guys and girls, this is true and it really happened to other people in other countries. Blackmail will always get more greedy with each turn if you keep on succumbing to their wills. Even if they say "OK< I won't find you again after I get the money", what if they pop out years later, and threaten you again?
Ok, maybe not so serious in Singapore, but just want to let you know that this kind of thing happens to people who don't seek help, think that they have alot of money to spare, and are stupid.
Good luck, and enjoy looking at the 2 posts at stomp.com.sg O.O
writtern @10:44 PM
Why Do Teens Try to Kill Themselves?Most teens interviewed after making a suicide attempt say that they did it because they were trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get relief from really bad thoughts or feelings. Like Ethan, they didn't want to die as much as they wanted to escape from what was going on. And at that particular moment dying seemed like the only way out.
Some people who end their lives or attempt suicide might be trying to escape feelings of rejection, hurt, or loss. Others might be angry, ashamed, or guilty about something. Some people may be worried about disappointing friends or family members. And some may feel unwanted, unloved, victimized, or like they're a burden to others.
We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes. But most people get through it or can put their problems in perspective and find a way to carry on with determination and hope. So why does one person try suicide when another person in the same tough situation does not? What makes some people more resilient (better able to deal with life's setbacks and difficulties) than others? What makes a person unable to see another way out of a bad situation besides ending his or her life?
The answer to those questions lies in the fact that most people who commit suicide have depression.
DepressionDepression leads people to focus mostly on failures and disappointments, to emphasize the negative side of their situations, and to downplay their own capabilities or worth. Someone with severe depression is unable to see the possibility of a good outcome and may believe they will never be happy or things will never go right for them again.
Depression affects a person's thoughts in such a way that the person doesn't see when a problem can be overcome. It's as if the depression puts a filter on the person's thinking that distorts things. That's why depressed people don't realize that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem in the same way that other people do. A teen with depression may feel like there's no other way out of problems, no other escape from emotional pain, or no other way to communicate their desperate unhappiness.Sometimes people who feel suicidal may not even realize they are depressed. They are unaware that it is the depression — not the situation — that's influencing them to see things in a "there's no way out," "it will never get better," "there's nothing I can do" kind of way.
When depression lifts because a person gets the proper therapy or treatment, the distorted thinking is cleared. The person can find pleasure, energy, and hope again. But while someone is seriously depressed, suicidal thinking is a real concern.
People with a condition called bipolar disorder are also more at risk for suicide because their condition can cause them to go through times when they are extremely depressed as well as times when they have abnormally high or frantic energy (called mania or manic). Both of these extreme phases of bipolar disorder affect and distort a person's mood, outlook, and judgment. For people with this condition, it can be a challenge to keep problems in perspective and act with good judgment.
Substance Abuse
Teens with alcohol and drug problems are also more at risk for suicidal thinking and behavior. Alcohol and some drugs have depressive effects on the brain. Misuse of these substances can bring on serious depression. That's especially true for some teens who already have a tendency to depression because of their biology, family history, or other life stressors.
The problem can be made worse because many people who are depressed turn to alcohol or drugs as an escape. But they may not realize that the depressive effects alcohol and drugs have on the brain can actually intensify depression in the long run.
In addition to their depressive effects, alcohol and drugs alter a person's judgment. They interfere with the ability to assess risk, make good choices, and think of solutions to problems. Many suicide attempts occur when a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
This doesn't mean that everyone who is depressed or who has an alcohol or drug problem will try to kill themselves, of course. But these conditions — especially both together — increase a person's risk for suicide.
Suicide Is Not Always Planned
Sometimes a depressed person plans a suicide in advance. Many times, though, suicide attempts happen impulsively, in a moment of feeling desperately upset. A situation like a breakup, a big fight with a parent, an unintended pregnancy, being outed by someone else, or being victimized in any way can cause someone to feel desperately upset. Often, a situation like this, on top of an existing depression, acts like the final straw.Some people who attempt suicide mean to die and some aren't completely sure they want to die. For some, a suicide attempt is a way to express deep emotional pain. They can't say how they feel, so, for them, attempting suicide feels like the only way to get their message across. Sadly, many people who really didn't mean to kill themselves end up dead or critically ill.
Warning Signs
There are often signs that someone may be thinking about or planning a suicide attempt. Here are some of them:
talking about suicide or death in general
talking about "going away"
referring to things they "won't be needing," and giving away possessions
talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities
having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
engaging in self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or cutting, for example)
What if This Is You?
If you have been thinking about suicide, get help now. Depression is powerful. You can't wait and hope that your mood might improve. When a person has been feeling down for a long time, it's hard to step back and be objective.
Talk to someone you trust as soon as you can. If you can't talk to a parent, talk to a coach, a relative, a school counselor, a religious leader, or a teacher. Call a suicide crisis line (such as 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-999-9999 ) or your local emergency number (911). These toll-free lines are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by trained professionals who can help you without ever knowing your name or seeing your face. All calls are confidential — no one you know will find out that you've called. They are there to help you figure out how to work through tough situations.
What if It's Someone You Know?
It is always a good thing to start a conversation with someone you think may be considering suicide. It allows you to get help for the person, and just talking about it may help the person to feel less alone and more cared about and understood.
Talking things through may also give the person an opportunity to consider other solutions to problems. Most of the time, people who are considering suicide are willing to talk if someone asks them out of concern and care. Because people who are depressed are not as able to see answers as well as others, it can help to have someone work with them in coming up with at least one other way out of a bad situation.
Even if a friend or classmate swears you to secrecy, you must get help as soon as possible — your friend's life could depend on it. Someone who is seriously thinking about suicide may have sunk so deeply into an emotional hole that the person could be unable to recognize that he or she needs help. Tell an adult you trust as soon as possible.
If necessary, you can also call the toll-free number for a suicide crisis line or a local emergency number (911). You can find local suicide crisis or hotline numbers listed in your phone book. These are confidential resources and the people at any of these places are happy to talk to you to help you figure out what is best to do.
Sometimes, teens who make a suicide attempt — or who die as a result of suicide — seem to give no clue beforehand. This can leave loved ones feeling not only grief stricken but guilty and wondering if they missed something. It is important for family members and friends of those who die by suicide to know that sometimes there is no warning and they should not blame themselves.
When someone dies by suicide the people left behind can wrestle with a terrible emotional pain. Teens who have had a recent loss or crisis or who had a family member or classmate who committed suicide may be especially vulnerable to suicidal thinking and behavior themselves.
If you've been close to someone who has attempted or committed suicide, it can help to talk with a therapist or counselor — someone who is trained in dealing with this complex issue. Or, you could join a group for survivors where you can share your feelings and get the support of people who have been in the same situation as you.
Coping With ProblemsBeing a teen is not easy. There are many new social, academic, and personal pressures. And for teens who have additional problems to deal with, such as living in violent or abusive environments, life can feel even more difficult.Some teens worry about sexuality and relationships, wondering if their feelings and attractions are normal, or if they will be loved and accepted. Others struggle with body image and eating problems; trying to reach an impossible ideal leaves them feeling bad about themselves. Some teens have learning problems or attention problems that make it hard for them to succeed in school. They may feel disappointed in themselves or feel they are a disappointment to others.
These problems can be difficult and draining — and can lead to depression if they go on too long without relief or support. We all struggle with painful problems and events at times. How do people get through it without becoming depressed? Part of it is staying connected to family, friends, school, faith, and other support networks. People are better able to deal with tough circumstances when they have at least one person who believes in them, wants the best for them, and in whom they can confide. People also cope better when they keep in mind that most problems are temporary and can be overcome.
When struggling with problems, it helps to:
Tell someone you trust what's going on with you.
Be around people who are caring and positive.
Ask someone to help you figure out what to do about a problem you're facing.
Work with a therapist or counselor if problems are getting you down and depressed — or if you don't have a strong support network, or feel you can't cope.
Counselors and therapists can provide emotional support and can help teens build their own coping skills for dealing with problems. It can also help to join a support network for people who are going through the same problems — for example, anorexia and body image issues, living with an alcoholic family member, or sexuality and sexual health concerns. These groups can help provide a caring environment where you can talk through problems with people who share your concerns.
Check out your phone book to find local support groups, or ask a school counselor or a youth group leader to help you find what you need.*Note: This extract on Suicide is copy and pasted from
http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/mental_health/suicide.html .*
I have read through it and found it very useful, you guys should read all of it.
If you just skimmed through the words or just scrolled down the page, SHAME ON YOU. GO BACK UP AND READ IT AGAIN.If you guys find the words too clumped and boring together, just tag me and I'll try to make it colorful.
writtern @11:47 PM
Yay, grats to the first ever Black US President in 200years of history in the making! I support Obama and his Change is coming to America (:
Why not McCain and Palin? McCain can go back to Vietnam and moan about being a POW (commonly known as Prisoners-Of-War) and Palin can go back to Alaska hunting animals in a helicopter. How could someone as dumb as Palin take a fake phone call thinking the French President is really calling her? Please, read msn.bc news to see how stupid and ridiculous she sounds.
Today, I read the news about ''Wisilla looks at Sarah Palin's future'' or something. I read all the comments and was laughing so hard that my brother who is studying for his O levels came out of his room to shush me.
''Please, take her away" "Alaska can keep Palin there forever" "Pig on a lipstick" "I can see Russia from my window in Alaska". That is too close. Sarah Palin for VP? Nightmare on WallStreet!
Guys, please go and read news on msn.bc and learn how Obama and his policies can help this economic crisis that was started by our unpopular George Washington BUSH, and learn how stupidly ridiculous, or ridiculously stupid Sarah Palin is, and HOW close America is having a pig with a lipstick Vice President.
America: Vote properly or end up as a pig-with-lipstick-hunted-in-a-helicopter state.
You've Been Warned
writtern @10:05 PM
Hi hi, so long never post about anything already, so since holidays are here, I decided to kill time by posting (:
When I read newspaper articles and reports on how teenage girls thinking that their self portrayal of their image. Most girls nowadays are afraid that their peers will think bad of their image even when they are already slim, petite, skinny, or look like a toothpick.
I hope that you will read this topic as many of you fall into these categories -rolls eyes-
*The thinner you are, the more unahppy you will be
*Self Image
*Models and their lifestyles
The thinner you are, the more unhappy you will be
This is actually a fact which applies to most girls who have this thinking that they are fat even when they are not. The thinner you are, the more you will be having this thinking, '' Am I fat? Will my friends think I am fat? Am I ugly? Is that why my boyfriend broke up with me? ''. For example, look at me! (: I may be overweight, but at least I am happy with the way I look.
Self Image
Girls these day are more concerned about their image than their overall health. Why so serious menz? @.@ Your body will only be with you once, and by starving yourself so you can look like an anoxeric, will scare your friends, and maybe your potential boyfriend away x[. We don't want that, do you. Skinny people with bones sticking out of their bodies look like you can play guitar with the bones.
No one says you must be skinny to be pretty. There are alot of people who are overweight, but are happy and pretty, beautiful and elegant. Skinny doesn't neccesarily means happy.
Models and their lifestyles
Alot of people think that being a model is a glamorous job, and that the pay is good, living is good, lifestyle is excellent, whatever. But the truth for most models is far from that.
Most, if not all, models starve themselves or go on a diet just to look like a skeleton. Thin is NOT the new in. Their directors/firms usually do not hired overweight models, which means they force themselves to go beyond their body limits just for a job they THINK is glamorous and pays good.
Modelling is definitely not a glamorous jobs for most of the girls. You do not know what happens backstage. Drugs, prostitution, pimping, it all happens. After a modelling job, the models usually end the day by going clubbing. Drugs are almost a neccessity and they turn to escort services for more cash returns. Modelling and their lifestyles are not glamorous, and by some means, sleazy.
Look at all those skeletons running down the catwalk. They do not look pretty with their zombie looks and flat breasts. They are also unhappy almost every other time. The stress put on by their directors to lose weight, the competition with thousands of other models and the lack of nutrition will certainly make you depressed. Many take drugs or inflict damage on themselves to escape from the peer pressure.
I hope this is a wake up call to every girl who think modelling is great (: And to everyone who think being skinny will make you happy, you're wrong.
writtern @10:15 PM
Why do people suffer from depression?Sometimes, there are problems and issues that our friends won't or is unable to settle it. And when the problem keeps weighing on our minds, we will keep thinking about it, and therefore feel depressed . x(
People suffering from depression usually have alot of problems they can't solve by
themselves. This is how
YOU, as her
friend, comes in.
By being her friend, you're being a
very important friend to help her from her depression.
If you're suffering from depression, best thing you can do is to look at something funny and laugh it out.
DO CRY YOUR HEART OUT. It is not good to bottle up your feelings. If it makes you feel better, cry out your problems D;
You can always confide in your friends' about your problems. They can help you. Smile more, laugh more, have a more positive attitude and everything will be OK.
Note: I have deleted my personal blog. I may be making another one. If i do, I'll be making it personal, so you have to be invited to read it. This is to prevent idiots and spammers from coming into my blog.Thanks =) I really appreciate you guys reading my shit and rubbish.
writtern @12:19 PM
Hello! This notice will apply to all readers coming into this blog :) If you wish to link me at your blog, please write the name as CC Centre :D hehe ^^ don't put my name ok! thank you!
I will be posting soon if you guys will leave an idea for a topic in the tag board :)
I will try to post that topic! Thank you all!
writtern @12:26 PM
welcome, invited readers =) as you all know, u probably have received my invite to read this blog. well, i've been thinking on a topic, and a friend asked me to post one of Friendship. so here we go.
Friendship-The importance of having friends =)having friends is so important, they are like your family. without them, you wouldn't be what u are in school. they support you in times of need, when you're in a crisis, or when u're just feeling down and moody.
Supporting friends; being supportedWhen you support your friends, whether in sports, academic studies or in a game, it will always give your friends inspiration to do well, to give their best shot in something they do. Not only that, they will appreciate you being their friends,
even more. The feeling you feel when you cheer on a friend, can never be bought by money. It is only natural that you feel that way!
True FriendsWhat is usually the real meaning of being a true friend, i do not know. but what i can say is that a true friend will never leave his/her friends alone when your friends need you, you will always try to be beside them no matter what happened. you will keep on trying to help your friend, no matter how difficult the problem is. That's how i define a true friend.
Check if you love your friend ^^1. Were you beside your friend when she is sick?
2. Did you help her in her studies/subjects she is weak at?
3. Did you abandoned her when she needs your help with a problem?
4. How will you react to your friend if her relatives has passed away?
eg. will you comfort her? or buzz her away as an annoying pest.
5. How do you treat your friend? eg. like a friend; sister.
If you answered:
1. Yes (2points) No (0 point)
2. Yes (4points) No (1 point)
3. Yes (0 point) No (4 points)
4. Comfort her(5 points) Buzz her away(0 point)
5. Friend(3points) Sister (3 points)
If you got:3-4 points, you're a selfish and inconsiderate fellah!5-9 points, you're the friend everyone must have.10-18 points, you're the true friend everyone needs in their lifetime.Thank you for taking the test =) I really hope no one fell into the
incosiderate fellah section!I hope everyone is the true friend everyone needs!
Well, just something im going to tell you all. if you're going to let your friends see this blog, just leave the name and their e-mail, so i can invite them :D thank you!
writtern @8:04 PM
Being Yourself =)
I hope everyone will be yourself, be positive and be cheerful and happy even after what happened on Monday ok!!!
(for those who know)for those who
DONT know...Please dont keep asking ok!!!
best not for u to know =)
Laughing is a Healthy Exercise =)!(From Reader's Digest)Experts says that laughing 20minutes a day is actually a healthy exercise! So do your part and laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh!!I hope that i can find some funny videos in YouTube during the weekend =)so you guys can laugh and enjoy and exercise!hahahahhaahahahahaha xD laugh!!!!! sorry im mad
Love is a funny Thing =)
Love is sometimes funny ! =) i wont say how because i dont know how and im not
qualified to say how xD. so there ! but i think love is a funny thing.
it can make people to rash decisions.
they say money is the root of all evil
but for some , LOVE IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.
Self-Assumed Professor Chai will not be responsible for any damages done to the
BRAIN for reading all these posts =). Professor Chai will also not be responsible
for the actions done by the readers of these posts.
Self-Assumed Professor Chai can be contacted by e-mail: professorchai@hotmail.com
or you can tag Professor Chai at this blog or at my official blog.
Thank you xDDDD Self-Assumed Professor Chai will not respond to those
"ure retarded!!!!!!" tags xDDDDDD
I will try to create a certificate showing my Degree of Rubbishness =)
oh yes and a Degree of Nonsensensical Humour
writtern @12:24 PM
Today the topics will be about
Emotionally Stress Situations =) ok this is a verrrryyy important topic so must
When does being emotional affects people around you ='(Usually, when people are emotional, they also affect people around them.
When you are feeling sad, natuarally your friends will come and comfort you =)
and in the end they feel sad too because they cant make you happy!
Which is why, u should just let everything out =)
best thing is, shout inside a glass bottle about ur problems,
seal it up quickly to keep the "shouts" inside and bury it.
maybe 1month later after u're feeling ok u should dig it up
and listen to it, and say"how silly i am xD"
This is usually the best way to let out ur stress ^^
Causes of StressThis is the worst! Teachers! Exams! Studies! Homework! Girlfriends! Boyfriends!
all this is sooooo bad, that everyone will at least experience once in ur lifetime.
They always want you to do the best, and although it is good that they care
about u, sometimes they overdo it.
which is how we all become emo. ='(
Examsyou usually have pressure to do well from ur
so u must be careful when talking about exams with them!
they will always say,"if u do good ah, buy u this ah buy u that!"
but when u do not meet their expectation?
"ta ma de! ask u score well also cannot? kanina! idiot or what!"
haiz...which is why, whatever ur parents say, dont believe
because even if u do good, they will say"ah....boh lui ah...cant buy for u."
SORRY even!
StudiesThis is also a common problem =)
Now when most of us are in Secondary 2 or 4, you will experience this
for Secondary 2, it is our streaming year, which is why they are piling
on the homework! which makes us more stressed then ever.
For Secondary 4, most of you are preparing for ur "O" levels or "N" levels.
This is usually the most stressful period of ur life T_T
which is why we always dread about it! STUDY STUDY STUDY!
Girlfriends/BoyfriendsIm very sad of this, because most of my friends always got this problem ='(
Situation Number 1:
You like a boy, but the boy likes another girl.
How you solve it:
haiz...i dont noe why but most of u cut ur hands...thats not a very good solution..
u must write in ur diary and scold the bitch till u are happy
dun cut urself and let ur precious blood flow. can save lives de u noe!Situation Number 2:
You broke up with a guy but u still love him.
How you solve it:
as usual...cutting urself for most of u. the guy is gone, he's out of ur
life forever, so be good =) and look at other guys instead =)Situation Number 3:
you just broke up with ur guy
How you solve it:
cut ur hands T_T i must really talk to u guys ='(
and most of u will zi lian and when u see the guy, u will cry
haiz just want to let u all know that if u need some1 to hug n cry out ur problems,
just find me xD
i will make u happy de! as in happy not as in the happy..um happy u noe?!? happy!Im going to stop posting le, maybe will bore u guys lah
but just wanna let u all know ohh
if u got problems come find me =)
i very nice to hug de! xD
>>Toys 'R' Us<< "TRY ME" <
lols xDD
bye bye le ^^
hope u will dun..cut urself, please =)
writtern @7:50 PM
USING SPAM TO YOUR ADVANTAGEToday i will write about the effects of spamming =)
Please pay attention! xD i have secret eyes to check if
u have learn or not >=(
after u read must tag about what u learned!
if those linked to me didnt tag for at least a week
means she never learn and never pay attention
or cant learn!
means i have to issue u a counselling form xDD
for face to face counselling...with ME!!!!!
so if u do not want to face ur horrors be guai and learn!
xDD ok let's start
First of all, spamming is not good.
which is why you should spam a person's blog in a LAN shop
if she did something bitchy to u.
however, be sure to act innocent ok when the person ask who spamm!
who spamm! but remember: always create another name
dont use ur friends name!
u will be sabo-ing them ! which is not good
which is why that offence will get u a counselling slip from ME!!!! XD
so,as i repeat, if u do not want to face to face me u must be guai n listen!
However, email spamming is definitley not good
u noe how many spam email i got in my previous email?
1286 spam emails! OMG!
and they were all about
u have opened this mail u wil die in 30min if u dun send this to blah blah persons
5person-u die in 1 day
10person u live for a month
100person, u live forever
omg how lame is it!!!!
so now, my dear readers/Bachelor of rubbish wannabes,
please do not spamm email! xD
Now how do u define spamming?
i have taken this definition from
The Book Of High Quality Rubbish.
spamming is called spamming spamming spamming spamming spamming
with a repeatition or spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm
and they contain rubbish and unsensible spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm
so now i do hope u guys know what is spam.
so make use of spam and know how to avoid spam
AVOIDING SPAMNow how do u define spamming?
i have taken this definition from
The Book Of High Quality Rubbish.
spamming is called spamming spamming spamming spamming spamming
with a repeatition or spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm
and they contain rubbish and unsensible spamm spamm spamm spamm spamm
so now i do hope u guys know what is spam.
so make use of spam and know how to avoid spam
the perfect way to avoid spam/virus is...
not to open strange emails with the titles like
(1)RE: boobies
(2)RE: oo pretty girl...
(3)boobs enlargment cream
(4)penis enlargement cream (serious leong tau fu showed us!)
(5)Dating Website
(6)Smex for FREE!
(7)Come join por...
(8)u'll die if u receive this!
(9)i love you, bitch
So now u should start heeding my advice and not fall for these tricks!
especially all those free dating service and whatever
they require ur photos and where u live
and the moment u giv them,
within 85minutes your doorbell will ring
and a hairy guy with a hairy moustache with hairy legs and hairy hair
will appear before u!
so becareful =)
dont say i didnt warn u if u want to try this tactic!
i mean, feel free to try it if u dun believe me
but do this
AT YOUR OWN RISKok thank you for today
i might be lame enough to post about BULLYING.
How to Bully
How to Avoid getting Bullied
How to bully a teacher
How to avoid getting bullied by a teacher
heheh have fun xDDDD!!!!
writtern @5:55 PM
Hello Readers,
I dont know why i am so lame to make this blog, but i did. xD
Well when i have nothing to do i might post some things i know
about um...some things? like spamming, emoT_T and others. oh ya
bullying! thats a very good topic to learn about! xD
if you have any problems um...please tag or email me xD
now i really sound like a counseller/professor right? thank you thank you =)
i got a degree ok! Bachelor degree in Rubbish.*ahem*
Heh later i will post in here, first topic will be about spamming
though i dont know how i gonna um..post?
nvm i will think of it xD
hope u guys will read this and learn some thing =)
even though u know its rubbish
writtern @5:35 PM